Are you Crawl ready? BAY AREA YARN CRAWL is March 14-23rd!


Ball or Skein Winding - $2.50 each

This fee is for yarn not purchased from us. If you buy our yarn, winding services are FREE. If we are short-staffed or there is a lot of winding to do, we may have you schedule a later time to pick up your finished yarn.

Untangling Yarn - $5 for every 10 minutes ($30/hour)

You read that right. It happens, and sometimes, you just don't want to deal. It'll be okay.

Weave Ends / Finishing / Blocking (by appointment) - $10 per 15 minutes ($40/hour)

We'll help you through that one last step. Let us help you finish your handknits with seaming your sweater, blocking, or weaving in ends on your project. We will make it look professional. Blocking time is charged by hands-on work and drying happens overnight, so it's best to schedule ahead.

Mending Knitwear (by appointment) - $10 per 15 minutes ($40/hour)

We offer invisible or visible mending on handknits. We can also do visible mending on machine knit items. We do not offer invisible mending on store purchased (machine knit) items.

Project Help / Private Instruction - May be found HERE.

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