Are you Crawl ready? BAY AREA YARN CRAWL is March 14-23rd!

Bamboo Knitting Repair Hooks by Clover

Bamboo Knitting Repair Hooks by Clover


Regular price $11.20

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only 3 left in stock

Handy hooks for repairing incorrect stitches.
Use the sharp point end to unravel stitches as needed and the hook end to pick up new stitches.

• Made with “Takumi” quality bamboo
Sharp needle tips that easily undo stitches.
Sharp hook tips that easily pass through stitches.
• For cast-on stitches and pick-up stitches
Use as a small crochet hook.
• For detangling yarns such as mohair
It’s easier if you untangle yarn using the needle tip.
• Compact and convenient

4.5 mm (3/16 in.) x 10 cm
3.5 mm (1/8 in.) x 10 cm

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